Wednesday Lenten Services
March 12 - April 9 | 6:30pm
Our Wednesday night series continues through April 9. We meet each week at 6:30 for a time of scripture, meditation and music. Every service focuses on a "broken" element from a story within the Lenten narrative. Broken Hearts - Broken Vessels - Broken Trust - Broken Bread - Broken Promises - Broken Justice. The community is invited to attend! DINNER IS SERVED at 5:30pm
Return to Sanctuary - Joint Service
March 30 | 10am
We are excited to be back in our newly remodeled space! Sunday School at 9 (this week ONLY) and Pot-luck Lunch following the Service at 11:30am.
Lit 'n' Latté is a group that meets regularly on Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm, every 4-6 weeks, to discuss classic and contemporary genres of secular literature with a Christian mindset. Open to the community - see Pam Youngdale for more info.